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Hi Mike!

Great - GREAT - letter Mike. I still like the Covid stuff and I am glad Fauci is being grilled for what he did. My Sister-in-law is DEAD because of this mandate. We have spoken about this before, recall she had a Pfizer shot on Friday and DIED Thursday the next week of a heart attack ( I will not use medical terminology for that since I don’t know the details) but she also had blood clotting so sever they could not bet blood to her brain after the EMS started her heart. These are now known as classic mRNA symptoms. She had no history of heart problems. I bring this up because, this issue resurfaced this week as my brother had to access her death certificate and not told be there was NO REFERENCE to Covid or to her very recent receipt of a Pfizer vaccine shot – and why should there be…as Fauci told us the vaccines are safe…Safe…safe. A friend of my brother who worked in billing for a hospital was fired for failure to get a vaccinated. About a month ago they paid him some compensation < not enough but some> for forcing him out for that reason. Apparently in NY Some group has gotten fired members reinstated with BACK PAY, arguing that the 'vaccines' were really that; they were just a medical treatment and refusal to get that treatment was not grounds for firing...So this situation continues to play out.

There is a new piece in Epoch Times (yeah, I know…I don't like them much either- they look too much like they are trying to find problems everywhere- anyway ) but their report echoes something from an earlier (2006?) Dr. Christine Ben TED talk arguing that vaccines with non live viruses worsen all-cause mortality outcomes!! Whoa!! Christine Ben had found that was true for a multi factor vaccine she had administered when she looked into results. She did this after finding that a live polio vaccine conveyed all sort of unexpected (non specific outcomes, I believe was her term) for the recipient. Vaccine news is still relevant. Pfizer is developing new ones and even admitting the old ones did not work well. Still they have jumped ahead to tout the superior performance <low hurdle if ever there was one!> of the new ones...Oh yeah...I believe them..don’t you??

Interesting letter. I sent the diabetes portion to my nephew who is also a long-standing Type one diabetic. I sent the part about trusting (not?) doctors to my brother whose Drs found a cyst on his Pancreas, no sign of cancer, he is not at risk particularly as they tick through the characteristics for screening, but one Dr advised this draconian surgery to remove: (1) the cyst,(2) part of his liver and (3) to reattach his small intestine…WHAT? And he DOES NOT have cancer?? Why would he ever submit to that??? He also is the one with Drs who want him on statins until his marker goes below a reading of 55. That's a reading so low I don’t think anyone would NOT BE ON STATINS if it were widely accepted. Bulling by the medical profession is OUT OF CONTROL. My brother had to argue with this Dr and put his foot down and call his bluff on not being his Dr anymore if he did not submit to Crestor, a stronger statin that the one he is already on.

The medical profession, climate scientists, these new social engineers trying to rename sex and reorient racial matters really make ME feel oppressed. And it’s the Democrats who spearhead ALL THESE THINGS. Yet, they – THEY - argue that Republicans are trying to control you. Actually, Republicans are fighting against Democrats WHO ARE CONTROLLING YOU!! Well, God help us. And I will not say a word more on economic policy that I find in shambles or more on US foreign policy that seems clueless, rudderless, hopeless, and being poorly executed on both sides of the Aisle. DO Republcians really want Putin to Win in Ukraine? Has anyone looked at what the EUROPEN map looks like if Russia gains all of Ukraine? Hello!! I’m an economist. I believe in fiscal probity. But you also need to set and fund national priorities. You don’t make the budget constraint binding and fail to pursue important agendas. Other than that we are fine in NYC... We are just waiting for the other shoe to fall on tax hikes here as NY will have to pay the bill for being a Sanctuary City. Close the border! Put Americans first for God’s sake!! EOR (End Of Rant)

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A rant, indeed. Looks like you covered all the bases. I do remember about your sister-in-law dying unexpectedly. At the time, I didn't know about the clotting. It does sound like a vaccine injury.

Christine Stabell Benn is one of the world's authorities on vaccines. She says that giving the live vaccines to children in Africa have the non-specific effect of making them have less childhood mortality than those children who do not get them. Which is great. But I don't know if it would have the same effect on kids in the Western world, because in most cases kids growing up in the West don't live in squalor. Get plenty of eat. Have clean water. Etc., etc., etc. Living conditions make an enormous difference.

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