Well said, Anne! As the "hold their feet to the fire" guy from last week, the parts of Covid I am sick of are the goofy rules for masking, which, depending on where you live, are actually starting to reappear; the mindless pushing of the boosters, regardless of new information that keeps popping up showing that these should be avoided, a…
Well said, Anne! As the "hold their feet to the fire" guy from last week, the parts of Covid I am sick of are the goofy rules for masking, which, depending on where you live, are actually starting to reappear; the mindless pushing of the boosters, regardless of new information that keeps popping up showing that these should be avoided, as the saying goes, like the plague. The lies that continue to be spread about "safe and effective". And the total lack of accountability from the ass-clown bureaucrats who brought us to the brink. I don't expect to see anyone pay the piper, as this is way too deep for that and the easy way out is "I don't recall". It sure is nice to see a few of these idiots squirm, but I don't except anything substantial will come from it. Cheers!
Well said, Anne! As the "hold their feet to the fire" guy from last week, the parts of Covid I am sick of are the goofy rules for masking, which, depending on where you live, are actually starting to reappear; the mindless pushing of the boosters, regardless of new information that keeps popping up showing that these should be avoided, as the saying goes, like the plague. The lies that continue to be spread about "safe and effective". And the total lack of accountability from the ass-clown bureaucrats who brought us to the brink. I don't expect to see anyone pay the piper, as this is way too deep for that and the easy way out is "I don't recall". It sure is nice to see a few of these idiots squirm, but I don't except anything substantial will come from it. Cheers!