Mike - from the top: weather issues here in FL too - it's either cool and cloudy for the tropics or warm and thundery/showery, which means hubs might not be able to play as much golf as he'd like, so I hear ya on the golf score. For me - there's been not one good warm, sunny day that felt comfortable enough to go to the pool. I know - fi…
Mike - from the top: weather issues here in FL too - it's either cool and cloudy for the tropics or warm and thundery/showery, which means hubs might not be able to play as much golf as he'd like, so I hear ya on the golf score. For me - there's been not one good warm, sunny day that felt comfortable enough to go to the pool. I know - first world problems - but it is the easiest way for me to exercise. I do wonder about places closing for weather that might not happen. I've seen it here and at home - is it another way of ratcheting up fear of the weather? climate change? (This is what not trusting anyone leads to - suddenly questioning everything.)
Re Covid: I'm in the fifty percent (or so) who wants you to keep it at it. I don't know how long people can keep the cognitive disconnect going. A friend recently had her - what? - fourth booster right before a three week vacation, at which point she got covid and was sick the entire three weeks. She complained when she got the shot that her arm was really sore and the injection site had a ring of bumps around it. There's simply no accounting for failure to connect the dots. I'm sure her answer would be, "But I would have been even sicker . . ." I wish I had a really good response for that thinking. Anyone? Anyone? And on the subject of covid data, check out (if you haven't already) a woman named Jessica Rose. She has the numbers and, of course, has been marginalized like the rest of them.
Of course I got Gary's book - have bought them all - and am looking forward to getting into it. Casey Means' book isn't available until May but it's been pre-ordered. So many books - so little time!
Thanks again for a great read - and keep that covid info coming. Bracketing it seems a good idea. As one of your readers said, I want to see someone made accountable for the mess, the lives unnecessarily lost and ruined.
Just a few little ones:
I was pretty mainstream guy.
I was a pretty mainstream guy
My views now pretty much mirrors Nick Hudson’s,
My view now . . .
(whose co-founder admitted was deeply involved with the CIA)
whose co-founder admitted he (or she) was
And began producing on helluva Substack newletter.
began producing one helluva
If you want and understanding on how to avoid chronic disease
There is no adequate response to self-denial and idiocy. Just let them stew in their own vaccinated juice.
I subscribe to Jessica's Substack. I love reading it, but she gets a little deep in the weeds for non-technical readers.
Thanks for the typos. All are fixed except for the one about the Wiki founder. He was not deeply involved with the CIA. Wikipedia was. Which is why he got out.
Jessica is an absolute heroine to me, even if most of what she writes goes right over my head, like one of her big surfing waves. Someone should write a graphic novel about her.
Mike - from the top: weather issues here in FL too - it's either cool and cloudy for the tropics or warm and thundery/showery, which means hubs might not be able to play as much golf as he'd like, so I hear ya on the golf score. For me - there's been not one good warm, sunny day that felt comfortable enough to go to the pool. I know - first world problems - but it is the easiest way for me to exercise. I do wonder about places closing for weather that might not happen. I've seen it here and at home - is it another way of ratcheting up fear of the weather? climate change? (This is what not trusting anyone leads to - suddenly questioning everything.)
Re Covid: I'm in the fifty percent (or so) who wants you to keep it at it. I don't know how long people can keep the cognitive disconnect going. A friend recently had her - what? - fourth booster right before a three week vacation, at which point she got covid and was sick the entire three weeks. She complained when she got the shot that her arm was really sore and the injection site had a ring of bumps around it. There's simply no accounting for failure to connect the dots. I'm sure her answer would be, "But I would have been even sicker . . ." I wish I had a really good response for that thinking. Anyone? Anyone? And on the subject of covid data, check out (if you haven't already) a woman named Jessica Rose. She has the numbers and, of course, has been marginalized like the rest of them.
Of course I got Gary's book - have bought them all - and am looking forward to getting into it. Casey Means' book isn't available until May but it's been pre-ordered. So many books - so little time!
Thanks again for a great read - and keep that covid info coming. Bracketing it seems a good idea. As one of your readers said, I want to see someone made accountable for the mess, the lives unnecessarily lost and ruined.
Just a few little ones:
I was pretty mainstream guy.
I was a pretty mainstream guy
My views now pretty much mirrors Nick Hudson’s,
My view now . . .
(whose co-founder admitted was deeply involved with the CIA)
whose co-founder admitted he (or she) was
And began producing on helluva Substack newletter.
began producing one helluva
If you want and understanding on how to avoid chronic disease
an understanding
As you can see, thought, the gain is less
you can see, though, . . .
And the latests as a consequence
And the latest as
There is no adequate response to self-denial and idiocy. Just let them stew in their own vaccinated juice.
I subscribe to Jessica's Substack. I love reading it, but she gets a little deep in the weeds for non-technical readers.
Thanks for the typos. All are fixed except for the one about the Wiki founder. He was not deeply involved with the CIA. Wikipedia was. Which is why he got out.
Jessica is an absolute heroine to me, even if most of what she writes goes right over my head, like one of her big surfing waves. Someone should write a graphic novel about her.
The best response I've read is "Good luck, it was nice knowing you". Harsh, but probably the only way to get the message across.