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There is an awful lot of stuff called 'science' but much of it does not seem to be any good. Here is my sporadic spew...

I was talking to my wife about some of the policies we see implemented or saw during Covid and continue to read references to...shocking. But we still do not get clear talk about what the issue is with the mRNA vaccines. They are still being promoted yet they have real issues... last week the Biden Admin distanced itself from a CDC(?) scientist who urged people to get a new booster every two months and as many as eight a year... turned out there was NO scientific evidence backing this advice ( not even bad science!). So WTF??? Why did he offer it??

We read that some batches of vaccine were much worse than others- so was it a manufacturing quality problem? We read that some batches of vaccine (in Germany?) may have been placebos. Some speculate that the mini mRNA particle that can pass through the blood-brain barrier are the problem. Others note the overload of Spike Protein you get from the vaccine compared to an ordinary natural infection is an issue. None of this is good but what IS the Real major Problem with the vaccines?? Does anybody know??? Or is it just an Irish stew of problems? ( no offense meant to the Irish)

Then the are other things we as humans do as frigging humans. Our greed and alliance-making leads to a diminishing of science. In Economics the Biden Admin is going to drop the concept of opportunity costs to vet regulation cost. This will make any regulation look less costly and easier to adopt.. Its not a debasement of economics- it is simply its simply a hostile take-over by politics. There is no more economics in the vetting.

I just read that the Jan 6 committee ( remember the Democrats?) destroyed a slew of records, tapes, etc that they had been asked to keep by the incoming Republicans. But because its Congress screwing Congress I guess there is no . penalty, no obstruction of justice. Congress is not about justice- it's about politics.... You can obstruct justice, but keep your stinking hands off my politics!!!

I have recently read one thing on The difference in the FBI going after Trump like a mad dog Vs Biden who they pursue with no vigor gusto or even objective. Someone has noted that since Trump is independently rich and wants to drain the swamp and since most legislators get rich IN POFFICE, there is broad support to protect Biden and Hunter and what they have done because it is 'common practice in Washington. Wow!! Think about that one. Chilling.

You know I always hate defending Trump from X, Y or Z argument because he is not a poster boy for anything good you want to save. But I did like a lot of his legislative agenda and his foreign policy meanwhile Democrats with their invention of many sexes and pronoun stuff and race this and race that just drive me nuts. Biden screwed up Afghanistan; he could have prevented invasion of Ukraine but chose instead to use sanctions while assuring Russian there were No American and No NATO Troops there... Why do that?? He later admitted he knew sanctions would not work. That has to be the most expensive and deadly Lie ever told in the history of the human race- Look what it has spawned!!

So now... Hey!! Democrats... How about rewarding competence?? Oh, never-mind. Let's hope both Trump and Biden bite the political dust in someway before election day.

And...you may have seen that the Biden Administration has cancelled a whole bunch of press badges reducing the number of people who can regularly attend White House briefings ( of course Biden rarely has press conferences any more anyway).

I hate unfairness. I hate to see double standards. Trump should use the Jan 6 records destruction as an obstruction of justice argument. They have deprived him of information. and these new charges they assert they know that he knew that he lied? This bit of tortured logic simply breaks new legal ground ( and wind). I mean....we are in an age in which no one seems to be able to agree what the facts of any situation are - yet, this prosecutor Jack-the-Beanstalker thinks he can prove what Trump knew.

Lastly Dr Robert Malone has a piece on the number of patent payment made to CDC and NIH members. He used the FOIA to get released the names of the firms that paid royalties and to whom...but the dollar amounts paid still are redacted. They just tell you how many 'payments were sent out. Both CDC NIH scientists really do seem to get paid by a lot of outside sources they are supposed to oversee. There is more conflict of interest there than in a mother eating her own young. Terrible place.

Michael Lewis (Premonition) was really right about those guys...

That it from me.; my potpourri of piss-offedness Great letter.

One to the point question...After all that yeah really- I had my Thyroid removed so how do these thyroid issues affect someone taking Synthroid? Not asking for you assume medical liability here just a general sort of inquiry... I had Graves Disease, but I've since buried it...

Best B Hope your rain stops - but not forever. ( juts being careful what I wish for...)

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I feel your pain about many of these same issues.

As to the Lewis book... Have you seen this? https://brownstone.org/articles/best-selling-author-michael-lewis-pens-cia-covid-propaganda/

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Michale Lewis’ book covers a number of issues. I was most attracted by and impressed by his critique of the CDC an examples of how they put their desire for research ahead of solving health problems in the population. His description of the CDC trying to stop a health official from taking 5 steps to stop the beak out of meningitis in a college community in CA resonates. The CDC ‘official’ demeaned the approach saying if it was successful they would never know which of the 5 approaches worked best. The health official hung up on this CDC moron, who she had phoned for advice, took her five steps, obliterated the outbreak, wrote up her actions, sent the results to the CDC…. Whereupon some CDC researcher wrote a scholarly paper extolling these five steps as ‘the way’ to contain a Meningitis outbreak. Huh? Lewis has other parts in the book I remember less well. I remember him for his attack on the CDC as self-serving public eschewing narcissists.

Lewis may have been taken for a ride in one of the sections. But he is no light weight, and he is not prone to being manipulated for pollical reasons as far as I can tell after reading a number of this books.

If people Like Debrie Lerman who tries to trash Michale Lewis instead spent her time going after the people who really manipulated you (and me), maybe we could get somewhere. Michael Lewis- I am pretty sure- is not one of them.

As for Deborah Birx… well she had me at the word ‘Ventilator.’ At a press conference she note they needed more ventilators after spouting the statistic that 85% of those put on ventilators died.. WTV?? Why use ventilators? Why not use knives or guns- much cheaper.

There are a lot of things health officials said that made no sense. I wrote about the pandemic in Real Time. I had some things published a some rejected. ‘Seeking Alpha’ rejected a piece trying to argue the primacy of virus matters to investors that went on to try to assess what we knew and what might happen using findings from credentialed Doctors (genuflect- not just the CDC <<- False Idols). Much of this was advice different from the CDC’s hence my opinion was deemed unsuitable to be published.

The TRUTH IS from July 2020 Statistics from NYC that tracked Covid made it crystal Clear – ‘crystal’ as Tom Cruise might say- that sick people were being killed while people with not preexisting conditions were not dying- they made up less than 2% of these who died in NYC. So we froze NYC for 2% of deaths? Smart??  there was no science for this or support in any data I saw. In, fact Andrew Cuomo NY Gov (then) put Covd sufferer in rest home causing even more deaths bcause he wanted to avoid using any of the resuervce made available to NY by Donald Trump. So make nO mistake about it there was a lot of potlicsl here and NO EVIDENCE ANYONE WAS UNWILLING TO ENDURE ‘A FEW DEATHS’ for thei own POLITICAL OBJECTIVES. Menwha Trumpand Republcian actions were always protayed as playing fast and loose with death. IN a recen study in JAMA tha was even predent on meet the Liberal Press and offer by that gret objective media person <What’s up-)Chuck Todd, emonstated using incredibley mishandled data what assumed most of which it intned to prove that Rule following Democarts lived while Republcins rule breaksing gadfly monon-like Repuibicns DIED!!! However the study was bout as objective as tha last sentence…

I never found any of the CDC ‘facts’ or rationale for isolation or mask-weaking worth a hoot. Fauci demanded double blind studies for everything – except that. ( hilarious to think how he might have even pulled such a study off, in fact) Without his incontrovertible evidence of choice he still pushed for masking. I tell my liberal friends ‘I only wear a mask when I’m planning to rob a convenience store,’ to which they nod and change the subject. Clearly, they do not even listen to what I said. I expect a laugh from them, instead I get a solemn nod…

Censorship of the Bakerfield emergency Room doctors and their subsequent demonization by the AMA for releasing a study that had not been ‘peer reviewed’ is an example of this act first, think never, and Follow The Fauci Policy (FTFP). The Bakersfield doctors simply put a video up on You Tube that promptly was removed and for that they were disciplined.

But what they said was correct. The Bakersfield doctors were right the AMA was wrong. But it’s like football. If an official throws a flag it’s a penalty. Maybe it is an unreviewable call ( AMA calls always are unreviewable) it does not matter if the replay shows the call was wrong. The call Stands. The Penalty Stands. The Punishment stand and even the TARNISH ON YOUR RECORD STANDS!!! It’s tough nuggie time).

A Dr in Canada found spike proteins in women’s ovaries and was attacked for misinformation where he reported it. Meanwhile, back at the ranch (Lab) Pfizer already knew that would happen and just has not made it public (oops!). Pfizer and CDC lied when they said the spike protein would ‘stay in your Arm’- they knew it did not. They never told us that the shot filled us with volumes more spike protein than did infection by the actual Covid disease… and so on.

On and on,

on and on,

on and on…

Lonesome Tony

sat along at the NIH,

drank his Kool aid

and sent out his SPAM…

Fauci told pregnant women he had no information that vaccination was a danger to her or to her unborn baby. Yet in running the trial, Pfizer went to great lengths to make sure the pregnant or breast-feeding women or anyone contemplating pregnancy was not NOT included in their study. All that makes the Fauci denial or nihilistic assertion the same as a lie.

The continuing demonization of ivermectin is astonishing… that and Hydroxychloroquine – two drugs proved safe for the public to take have as their most egregious fault that they are out of patent and cannot be monetized. There is this study on ivermectin… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7968425/ that apologizes up one side and down the other for finding ivermectin appears to have made a positive difference in Covid infection and deaths in Africa where ivermectin is taken regularly by a number of people to prevent River Blindness..

When testing a drug there are at least 1,000 ways to structure a study to make sure it fails. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were not killed as alternatives because they did not work since they were killed before there was any evidence. They were killed because (1) they were out of patent protection and because (2) if… IFF they proved effective, US law would NOT HAVE ALLOWED VACCINE DEVELOPMENT TO PROGRESS. Fauci was a 1,000% vaccine guy; he was 1000% in favor of Gain of Function research; he was 1000% behind blocking any objective fact-finding about whether the ‘China Virus’ was a WUHAN leak, an institution he has managed to arrange indirect funding to for a long time...

Fauci was loved by the Left because he opposed Trump and was willing to demonize the virus and plump for draconian actions that would undermine the economy and undermine Donald Trump who, until the virus struck, looked unbeatable. Democrats loved Fauci’s stance and supported him to the hilt.

Fauci did a lot of things supported by little or no science and rejected anything that might have become an impediment for his Choice-> MASS vaccination.

Working on HIV, FAUCI discovered how hard it was to develop a vaccine. Yet he has had no trouble ordering people to stay inside to socially distance and wear masks until a vaccine was developed…He should have realized there were strong odds that might never happen- ever. Yet he stood for that. NO wonder they were willing to exaggerate how well the vaccines worked.

They lowered the standard to calling vaccine something that created an immune repose instead of making it show it actually conferred immunity for some period of time.  a strange choice. In retrospect it appears that vaccines created a lot of ‘systemic immune responses’ that never did people much good in fighting Covid…( note this is the judgement of an economist not a doctor)

So let’s remember what was done and lets also connect that passive voice to the PEPLE WHO DID IT or ordered others to do it.

Let’s remember the pandemic put health officials in change they were making deep decisions not Donald Trump. Yet Bill Gates donated $1mln to Tel Aviv University that in turn conferred a $1mln prize on A. Fauci for speaking ‘truth to power’ and ‘defending Science’…except...wait a minute… Fauci WAS THE POWER and if anyone dared speak ‘TRUTH’ to him they were banned, persecuted, blocked on You tube ( Screw UTube?) and on Face book ( A$$ Book?) and other venues and possibly professionally blackballed.

Michael Lewis was a voice of criticism when there were few such voices. I can’t see making him a fall guy…

Robert Brusca, PhD Economist

p.s. my siter in law took the Pfizer vaccine on a Fridayand died of a heath attack and with blood clots the very next Thursday. The vaccine did not keep her alive for even a week. She was a cancer survivor but was healthy was a stay at home computer expert in her mid-50s. The vaccine killed the kind of people that the virus did not.

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"Congress is not about justice- it's about politics."

Well, yeah. That's a design feature of the Constitution, not a bug.

Politicians -- members of Congress -- aren't supposed to be the police or the judges. And thank goodness for that.

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