Once again, loved it all, Mike - especially the boat stuff, although having crossed the Atlantic on an oceanographic vessel that was 276 feet long, so quite a bit bigger than your boat, I can't imagine traveling the Atlantic in a storm on yours. About that line: "to facilitate linages with self-selected individual diets" - lineages are "…
Once again, loved it all, Mike - especially the boat stuff, although having crossed the Atlantic on an oceanographic vessel that was 276 feet long, so quite a bit bigger than your boat, I can't imagine traveling the Atlantic in a storm on yours.
About that line: "to facilitate linages with self-selected individual diets" - lineages are "the number of lines in printed or written matter, especially when used to calculate payment" which, to my mind, makes the whole concept even less comprehensible. Given the total nonsense otherwise in that section, that may well have been the purpose.
Just loved the video - so glad you've linked to it - wonder if he'll ever get his audience back - with any luck and lots of people such as your good self promoting him, he will.
So here's what I found this week:
In response to Anne's question, no, there doesn't have to be an 'am' after the I - but I do think that Max must have been able to free dive with goggles - I'll bet autocorrect changed it to googles.
" . . . took a live aboard course with two of our sons"
I'm just not sure what an "aboard" course is
" . . .our bare boat charter "
According to the internet, it should be bareboat charter, but the internet could be wrong.
" . . .there was this great worry one that New Year’s eve that the world was going '
Perhaps - " . . . worry that on New Year's Eve the world was going . . . ."
" . . .sold the boat to make the down payment on it, and moved it."
Moved the boat or moved to the condo? Not sure which you meant here
". . . .thinking more about the planet that our own health"
about the planet than our own health
" . . .one side of the membrane creates and electro-chemical gradient"
Thanks as always. Everything fixed that needed fixing. Live aboard is boating lingo meaning living on a boat while you're doing something. In this case, while we were taking the sailing course. We lived on a boat (or aboard) instead of staying in a hotel. Aboard just means on a ship or boat. As in all aboard.
I agree re the am in Anne's question. The am is implied.
Once again, loved it all, Mike - especially the boat stuff, although having crossed the Atlantic on an oceanographic vessel that was 276 feet long, so quite a bit bigger than your boat, I can't imagine traveling the Atlantic in a storm on yours.
About that line: "to facilitate linages with self-selected individual diets" - lineages are "the number of lines in printed or written matter, especially when used to calculate payment" which, to my mind, makes the whole concept even less comprehensible. Given the total nonsense otherwise in that section, that may well have been the purpose.
Just loved the video - so glad you've linked to it - wonder if he'll ever get his audience back - with any luck and lots of people such as your good self promoting him, he will.
So here's what I found this week:
In response to Anne's question, no, there doesn't have to be an 'am' after the I - but I do think that Max must have been able to free dive with goggles - I'll bet autocorrect changed it to googles.
" . . . took a live aboard course with two of our sons"
I'm just not sure what an "aboard" course is
" . . .our bare boat charter "
According to the internet, it should be bareboat charter, but the internet could be wrong.
" . . .there was this great worry one that New Year’s eve that the world was going '
Perhaps - " . . . worry that on New Year's Eve the world was going . . . ."
" . . .sold the boat to make the down payment on it, and moved it."
Moved the boat or moved to the condo? Not sure which you meant here
". . . .thinking more about the planet that our own health"
about the planet than our own health
" . . .one side of the membrane creates and electro-chemical gradient"
should be "an electro-chemical gradient"
Thanks as always. Everything fixed that needed fixing. Live aboard is boating lingo meaning living on a boat while you're doing something. In this case, while we were taking the sailing course. We lived on a boat (or aboard) instead of staying in a hotel. Aboard just means on a ship or boat. As in all aboard.
I agree re the am in Anne's question. The am is implied.