I knew about the ridiculous protein bad study and you analyse it really well. The JAMA 'rates back to normal' I had not seen and dementia in the ancients I had never thought of are wonderful insights - thanks for these gems.
I knew about the ridiculous protein bad study and you analyse it really well. The JAMA 'rates back to normal' I had not seen and dementia in the ancients I had never thought of are wonderful insights - thanks for these gems.
I knew about the ridiculous protein bad study and you analyse it really well. The JAMA 'rates back to normal' I had not seen and dementia in the ancients I had never thought of are wonderful insights - thanks for these gems.
Glad you enjoyed them.
The dementia discussion still made me wonder about the health of the Romans since they used a lot of lead:
The potential for lead was mentioned in the article, so the authors were aware of it.
I completely read past that. Not uncommon for me.
This guy asks if there's a relationship between dementia and lead poisoning in the US.
I wonder about all the people taking statins too.
I don't know that much about lead poisoning, but I have often wondered about the widespread statin us and increased levels of Alzheimer's.
Isn't there also an issue with PPIs for gastric reflux?
The hardness of the water would make a big difference there as it can provide a calcium salt coating of the lead.
I didn't know that. And I have no clue as to the hardness of the water in ancient Greece or Rome. Would be nice to know.