Madison is my hometown. I used to work at UW Hospitals and Clinics.
I don’t know why my friends and I called it pop, but when we got to high school, we heard some of the girls call it soda. I think each group just shortened soda pop. My grandmother called it soda pop, come to think of it. Maybe they call it pop in the Pacific Northwest?
Madison is my hometown. I used to work at UW Hospitals and Clinics.
I don’t know why my friends and I called it pop, but when we got to high school, we heard some of the girls call it soda. I think each group just shortened soda pop. My grandmother called it soda pop, come to think of it. Maybe they call it pop in the Pacific Northwest?
I would be very interested in MD’s Substack. Will you be announcing its debut in the Arrow?
Madison is my hometown. I used to work at UW Hospitals and Clinics.
I don’t know why my friends and I called it pop, but when we got to high school, we heard some of the girls call it soda. I think each group just shortened soda pop. My grandmother called it soda pop, come to think of it. Maybe they call it pop in the Pacific Northwest?
I would be very interested in MD’s Substack. Will you be announcing its debut in the Arrow?
Great “chatting” with you, Dr E.
I will indeed announce it on The Arrow.