Dr. Eades! You made one small comment about the AMA in your discussion of their bought and paid for amicus curae that I believe most people are unaware of. I hope you will say more about the AMA membership in a future post. Most people think all medical doctors are members of the AMA. That's why an endorsement from them carries so much w…
Dr. Eades! You made one small comment about the AMA in your discussion of their bought and paid for amicus curae that I believe most people are unaware of. I hope you will say more about the AMA membership in a future post. Most people think all medical doctors are members of the AMA. That's why an endorsement from them carries so much weight. The press prints whatever Big Pharma tells the AMA to endorse. It's like the Communist Party in Soviet Russia. Less than ten percent of Russia's population were members of the Communist Party. I'm curious what percentage of all American doctors are members of the AMA? Keep up the good work! Cheers!
Statistics differ. I've seen numbers ranging from ~11% to as high as 18%. I think it's closer to the lower number because no docs I know are members. And I know a lot of docs.
Dr. Eades! You made one small comment about the AMA in your discussion of their bought and paid for amicus curae that I believe most people are unaware of. I hope you will say more about the AMA membership in a future post. Most people think all medical doctors are members of the AMA. That's why an endorsement from them carries so much weight. The press prints whatever Big Pharma tells the AMA to endorse. It's like the Communist Party in Soviet Russia. Less than ten percent of Russia's population were members of the Communist Party. I'm curious what percentage of all American doctors are members of the AMA? Keep up the good work! Cheers!
Statistics differ. I've seen numbers ranging from ~11% to as high as 18%. I think it's closer to the lower number because no docs I know are members. And I know a lot of docs.