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Doc, using Occam’s razor (simplest solution) in Antartica cases suggests viruses are not real. It’s just body getting rid of poisons that we bring with food, drugs, chemicals. They never proved any virus infection using Koch Postulates. And no virus was ever isolated, but exosoms and bacteriophages were. But that’s too red pill too swallow for most.

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Uh, if viruses aren't real, how can they be sequenced?

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Dr. Eades,

From what I understand (which is very little), no sequence has actually ever been shown to come from a virus. Many sequences are claimed to be viral, of course. Here is an interesting extract from Dr. Mark Bailey's "A Farewell to Virology":

To expose the problems of virology it is crucial to examine the methodology section of any publication and in this case it is no different…Those of us that dispute the virus narrative point out that no RNA (or DNA) sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any specific identifiable particle that fulfils the definition of a virus. Thus all RNAs can only be said to be expressed by a known organism, introduced artificially (e.g. synthetic mRNA injections) or be of unknown provenance. The “mutations” only exist within in silico models that have not been shown to be independent entities in nature. There are other reasons why RNA sequences can and do vary in dynamic biological systems and I can’t imagine that any virologist would disagree with this fact.

Simply detecting RNAs is not enough to draw conclusions about their provenance.

Other experiments are required to make this determination.

Indeed, no amount of genomic or proteomic technology can escape the fact that with regard to such data being supposed evidence of viruses, it is turtles all the way down.


Please forgive me -- I had to end with that quote because it was from the Arrow that I first learned of the phrase, "turtles all the way down."

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If both DNA and RNA exist and can be sequenced (the entire human genome has been sequenced), then why couldn't the DNA or RNA in a virus be sequenced?

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“Virologists have never extracted an entire genome from an alleged disease-causing virus and then sequenced it end to end. Nowadays, computer programs are used to artificially assemble thousands of selected DNA or RNA fragments found in patients into a complete ‘viral’ genome, by matching overlapping regions and adding any missing sequences. This is known as ‘in silico’ alignment (meaning that it’s done in a computer).

Scientists typically argue for years about which pieces of genetic code belong to a particular ‘virus’; for the measles virus, this took decades. But it only took a few mouse clicks in the case of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that supposedly causes Covid-19 (a ‘new’ disease with no new symptoms). This involved searching for genetic sequences similar to those classified as belonging to the first SARS coronavirus from 2003 (which has also never been properly isolated) and then instructing a computer to piece them together.”


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I took a look at the piece you linked above. The references are less than stellar, so I'm not sure I would put a lot of faith in those. If you want to read a controversial book by a real scientist, read Inventing the AIDS virus by Peter Duesberg. The book is a lesson in real virology by one of the world's experts whose opinions got him dissed by the mainstream.

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I read it, on your rec, and than read Dissolving Illusions thats on your night stand. Shouldn't be other way around, that they have to PROVE that viruses exist and cause disease. And yet similar to what Duisberg said in his book they never proved HIV causes AIDS, they never proved using Kochs postulaates that viruses cause any disease. But that doesnt stop world killing people with "medicine" to cure/prevent HIV to develop AIDS and people to get vaccinated etc..

Here is Nick Hudson, who both of us respect, recent post saying he would NOT get vaccine on a market.


Yes agree they are less than stellar, but we know how hard is to be on the other side of the narrative. Duisberg lost everything, didnt get a cent anymore from gov agencies for research. JJ also was out, and I think is working for RF Kennedy now. Something that is over 200 years in collective memory is NOT gonna change that soon. Too many vested interests.

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Duesberg never said viruses don't exist. He was/is(?) the world's foremost authority on retroviruses, which is what the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is. He never, ever said viruses don't exist; he said he didn't believe the HIV caused AIDS. He thought HIV was simply a harmless traveler virus.

I agree with Nick Hudson. But I don't think that means he doesn't believe viruses exist. Ask him on Twitter.

Saying viruses don't exist is tantamount to believing the earth is flat. When someone says, No, it's round, flat earthers say Prove it. I didn't think these people really existed, but my kid showed me a 'serious' book by a flat earth organization. They have answers for any argument one might have for why the earth is really round. They believe the moon landings were all staged. It's absolutely incredible some people actually believe all this. And it's how I feel about people who don't believe viruses exist. I suppose there might be a tiny fraction of a percent chance that viruses don't exist. I say that because I'm not an infectious disease specialist, so I'm not well read in that literature. But instead of spending time reading books by non-experts trying to prove viruses don't exist, I think my time would be more productively spent reading and studying nutrition and metabolism, something I do have some expertise in.

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That was pretty harsh Doc. And bad analogy. I will leave it here

Maybe after rewatching JJ video you posted, where he says that spreading RNA virus (but not clones ) is very hard you change your mind a bit.

After all after decades of tons of money spent on GoF and similar experiments all over the world, how is that we we a “leak” that’s not even causing epidemic (no excess deaths). And mind you there are a lot of nuclear bombs lost or being accidentally dropped all over the world, showing humans are very prone to sloppiness.

But yes, agree one should focus on his area of competence as Buffett says.

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You opened Pandoras box yourself in Arrow 144 with JJ Couey Rumble video, and right there at 1hr11min he explains how this can be done all over the world. And later on he talks about NO virus people and that he is not sure if viruses exist or not. He says that people can expel exosomes which can "infect" other individuals and get a symptoms similar to cold..

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I'll have to rewatch it. But it will take a lot of persuading before I believe viruses are a myth.

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Wow. An international super virus that travels thousands of miles through UV radiation to sicken people.

Jesus wept.

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Not just a super virus, but if the study is to be believed, a whole lot of viruses.

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