It isn't generally known that "Nazi" is a contraction based on the initial letters of the Party: National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (NSDAP) translated: National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party. In reality, as with all other "totalitarian" political parties of the 20th C, it's founding premises were heavily "socialist" (based on the writings of Marx and Engels) and therefore "Left" on the modern political spectrum (as originally established by the seating of delegates to the French National Assembly following the Revolution of "89). Understanding this history makes the comments of the 3 "Presidents" much "clearer" as to philosophical basis and meaning.
Yes, she is. Heard a funny piece of doggerel about her from Don Surber. He said Paul McCartney wrote a song about her.
"Her name is mcGill. She calls herself Liz
But everyone knows her as Nazi."
It isn't generally known that "Nazi" is a contraction based on the initial letters of the Party: National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (NSDAP) translated: National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party. In reality, as with all other "totalitarian" political parties of the 20th C, it's founding premises were heavily "socialist" (based on the writings of Marx and Engels) and therefore "Left" on the modern political spectrum (as originally established by the seating of delegates to the French National Assembly following the Revolution of "89). Understanding this history makes the comments of the 3 "Presidents" much "clearer" as to philosophical basis and meaning.