I believe that the key "take-away" from the last 3 years (actually the last 110 - starting with Wilson's inauguration in '13) is that the "Western" elites have become not only increasingly incompetent (due to the debasement of formal education generally) but also increasingly malevolent (as a result of the general spread of the "Politics…
I believe that the key "take-away" from the last 3 years (actually the last 110 - starting with Wilson's inauguration in '13) is that the "Western" elites have become not only increasingly incompetent (due to the debasement of formal education generally) but also increasingly malevolent (as a result of the general spread of the "Politics of Envy" throughout the elite population). We now face a "terminal" socio-politico-economic "state of affairs" that will only resolve in either establishment by the elites of their desired totalitarian polity or general revolution, not necessarily "peaceful". These possible denouements of the current Fourth Turning are imminent.
I believe that the key "take-away" from the last 3 years (actually the last 110 - starting with Wilson's inauguration in '13) is that the "Western" elites have become not only increasingly incompetent (due to the debasement of formal education generally) but also increasingly malevolent (as a result of the general spread of the "Politics of Envy" throughout the elite population). We now face a "terminal" socio-politico-economic "state of affairs" that will only resolve in either establishment by the elites of their desired totalitarian polity or general revolution, not necessarily "peaceful". These possible denouements of the current Fourth Turning are imminent.
I've got to read the latest Fourth Turning book.