William M. Briggs is a brilliant mathematician; "Matt" is what he goes by with familiars. I also know him as eminent professor "William Briggs" publicly, but having been around him a bunch, I think of him as "Matt" and sometimes find myself using his familiar name interchangeably. I'm sure that's what's going on with Doctor Eades ("Mike").
William M. Briggs is a brilliant mathematician; "Matt" is what he goes by with familiars. I also know him as eminent professor "William Briggs" publicly, but having been around him a bunch, I think of him as "Matt" and sometimes find myself using his familiar name interchangeably. I'm sure that's what's going on with Doctor Eades ("Mike").
William M. Briggs is a brilliant mathematician; "Matt" is what he goes by with familiars. I also know him as eminent professor "William Briggs" publicly, but having been around him a bunch, I think of him as "Matt" and sometimes find myself using his familiar name interchangeably. I'm sure that's what's going on with Doctor Eades ("Mike").
Thanks for the info!