I can be as skeptical as anyone when it comes to consensus science. The whole “science” of human beings & carbon emissions as the primary driver of global warming currently resembles religious belief more than science. Having said that, I was taken aback by your comment that the idea that viruses don’t exist “could be true”. I understand…
I can be as skeptical as anyone when it comes to consensus science. The whole “science” of human beings & carbon emissions as the primary driver of global warming currently resembles religious belief more than science. Having said that, I was taken aback by your comment that the idea that viruses don’t exist “could be true”. I understand you don’t personally believe it, and the examples you give demonstrate why. However your standard should be higher than “it could be true”. The fact is that it is categorically true that viruses exist. . How would a jury ever determine guilt beyond a reasonable doubt if the default position is - well it could be true. Juries have correctly sentenced criminals to death on far, far less evidence than the evidence which proves viruses exist. And those experts who believe viruses don’t exist? How many of those do think would visit & work in a level 5 containment lab at CDC or military facility WITHOUT a hazmat suit. I am certain the answer is none. And it can’t be true that anyone of them would. They never have.
RFK Jr is a conspiracy kook and his take on the assassination is so full of holes they are almost too numerous to count.
I said "it could be true" in the sense that pretty much anything you hear can be true. I don't believe it, though. And I don't have time to go through all the literature I've been sent on why viruses don't exist.
As to the RFK thing... As I said. I have no idea if it's true or not. I've never read much about it. It's easy to call someone a conspiracy cook and say their opinion is full of holes. How about an explanation of why. I would love to know.
We can agree to disagree; especially “pretty much anything you hear can be true” No it can’t. I have heard the earth is flat, moon landing never happened, viruses don’t exist etc etc. Every day a jury hears a defense attorney say his client is innocent. A jury can’t conclude “ it could be true” otherwise no one would be convicted. As for RFK Jr - here is a just a brief sample of holes in his nonsensical narrative. https://colganwrites.com/rfk-jr-defends-his-fathers-murderer
I didn't say everything, I said "pretty much everything...." I agree there are certainties. But I've never seen a virus. I've never tried to look for one. I've heard of them all my life. I've learned about them in medical school. I've seen videos from space, so I know the earth isn't flat. Unless the videos are fake, which I highly doubt. If there were a huge literature written by credentialed people saying they were faked, I might wonder. It's the same with the 'viruses don't exist' literature. It's not just a bunch of nobodies...some highly credentialed people are saying it. My entire education goes against the idea, but I actually don't know for absolute certain that there are viruses. But my probabilistic bet is that there are and they are as described. I'm so convinced of it that I'm not going to spend time with the 'viruses don't exist' literature to try to figure out where virus deniers are coming from intellectually. As to the RFK deal, I have no idea. But I suspect RFK has looked into it vastly more deeply than Colgan has. Does that make him (RFK) correct? No. But it doesn't make me want to simply disregard his opinion just because some journalist (who, for all I know has been paid by the CIA) says RFK is wrong. I don't know the real truth re RFK, Sr's death, and I don't have that much interest in it to spend a ton of time trying to sort it all out.
The last thing I wanted to do is drag this out - but my goodness. Conspiracy crazy - the journalist may or may not have been paid by the CIA? Jesus wept. How off the rails is that assertion, made of course, without a SHRED of evidence. This journalist simply repeated facts - witness statements, polygraph test etc. Somehow these facts were conveniently ignored or not addressed by Jr. Why? But u seem fairly comfortable with this connected class Kennedy accusing the not connected, minimum wage security guard of conspiracy to commit murder.
You haven’t seen a virus - so they may or may not exist? Tell me good doctor - have you ever seen gravity? I am hoping you aren’t going to walk off a ledge anytime soon because of your failure to observe that. And once again, can you name any of these “highly credentialed” people who have ever ventured into a level 5 virus lab without a hazmat suit. None have, for the very reason you aren’t testing the gravity you have never seen by walking off a ledge.
And here’s a Kennedy - the very definition of elite class, connected class, privileged class etc etc - trashing a minimum wage security guard, accusing him of murder - without a shred of evidence. And many accept this, done without any thought for this poor guy. Done without any consequences to this privileged conspiracy KOOK.
I can be as skeptical as anyone when it comes to consensus science. The whole “science” of human beings & carbon emissions as the primary driver of global warming currently resembles religious belief more than science. Having said that, I was taken aback by your comment that the idea that viruses don’t exist “could be true”. I understand you don’t personally believe it, and the examples you give demonstrate why. However your standard should be higher than “it could be true”. The fact is that it is categorically true that viruses exist. . How would a jury ever determine guilt beyond a reasonable doubt if the default position is - well it could be true. Juries have correctly sentenced criminals to death on far, far less evidence than the evidence which proves viruses exist. And those experts who believe viruses don’t exist? How many of those do think would visit & work in a level 5 containment lab at CDC or military facility WITHOUT a hazmat suit. I am certain the answer is none. And it can’t be true that anyone of them would. They never have.
RFK Jr is a conspiracy kook and his take on the assassination is so full of holes they are almost too numerous to count.
I said "it could be true" in the sense that pretty much anything you hear can be true. I don't believe it, though. And I don't have time to go through all the literature I've been sent on why viruses don't exist.
As to the RFK thing... As I said. I have no idea if it's true or not. I've never read much about it. It's easy to call someone a conspiracy cook and say their opinion is full of holes. How about an explanation of why. I would love to know.
We can agree to disagree; especially “pretty much anything you hear can be true” No it can’t. I have heard the earth is flat, moon landing never happened, viruses don’t exist etc etc. Every day a jury hears a defense attorney say his client is innocent. A jury can’t conclude “ it could be true” otherwise no one would be convicted. As for RFK Jr - here is a just a brief sample of holes in his nonsensical narrative. https://colganwrites.com/rfk-jr-defends-his-fathers-murderer
I didn't say everything, I said "pretty much everything...." I agree there are certainties. But I've never seen a virus. I've never tried to look for one. I've heard of them all my life. I've learned about them in medical school. I've seen videos from space, so I know the earth isn't flat. Unless the videos are fake, which I highly doubt. If there were a huge literature written by credentialed people saying they were faked, I might wonder. It's the same with the 'viruses don't exist' literature. It's not just a bunch of nobodies...some highly credentialed people are saying it. My entire education goes against the idea, but I actually don't know for absolute certain that there are viruses. But my probabilistic bet is that there are and they are as described. I'm so convinced of it that I'm not going to spend time with the 'viruses don't exist' literature to try to figure out where virus deniers are coming from intellectually. As to the RFK deal, I have no idea. But I suspect RFK has looked into it vastly more deeply than Colgan has. Does that make him (RFK) correct? No. But it doesn't make me want to simply disregard his opinion just because some journalist (who, for all I know has been paid by the CIA) says RFK is wrong. I don't know the real truth re RFK, Sr's death, and I don't have that much interest in it to spend a ton of time trying to sort it all out.
The last thing I wanted to do is drag this out - but my goodness. Conspiracy crazy - the journalist may or may not have been paid by the CIA? Jesus wept. How off the rails is that assertion, made of course, without a SHRED of evidence. This journalist simply repeated facts - witness statements, polygraph test etc. Somehow these facts were conveniently ignored or not addressed by Jr. Why? But u seem fairly comfortable with this connected class Kennedy accusing the not connected, minimum wage security guard of conspiracy to commit murder.
You haven’t seen a virus - so they may or may not exist? Tell me good doctor - have you ever seen gravity? I am hoping you aren’t going to walk off a ledge anytime soon because of your failure to observe that. And once again, can you name any of these “highly credentialed” people who have ever ventured into a level 5 virus lab without a hazmat suit. None have, for the very reason you aren’t testing the gravity you have never seen by walking off a ledge.
And here’s a Kennedy - the very definition of elite class, connected class, privileged class etc etc - trashing a minimum wage security guard, accusing him of murder - without a shred of evidence. And many accept this, done without any thought for this poor guy. Done without any consequences to this privileged conspiracy KOOK.