Very, very important video from that scientist Jørgen Peder Steffensen that you posted us a link to in today's Arrow, Mike ! Thank you ! I've booked marked that video for when anyone tells me that the current climate change is man made. I have read it in books so many times that the world has gone through warm and cold temperature cycles for millennia but that video clip explains it so graphically and also where and why all these "man made" climate change people went wrong. Loved the music too ! Actually EVERYTHING in today's Arrow is extra, extra fascinating and interesting !

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Agree! I watched the PBS show about the Tonga volcanic eruption of January 2022, I missed hearing about it before. When you see the enormous volume of gases thrown up by that, it makes all the annoying nudges trivial compared to the unpredictable forces we cannot control. And yet not to worry about blowing up underwater gas lines. Cui Bono?

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Your confirmation bias and gullibility is so typical of virtually every climate denier I’ve ever encountered. And that goes for the Dr. as well.

Here’s a video that will set anyone straight who is truly interested in the truth, rather than propagating the evidence free narrative that the climate crisis is not real


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Thanks for the reference to my Chatbot Zon, Mike. It's gratifying, given the 2 weeks spent at an average of 4hrs sleep a day (in 2-3 naps) to get it all in place...bleeding edge of tech stuff, especially the 2-way voice ability.

The coolest story so far is of a granny who just started using the same Chatbot Zon at my place you did, just a couple weeks ago. I've been saying that from where I sit, older folks are most likely to be all-in to find the usefulness of it for the simple reason that they come from a world where there was NONE of this, then lived through the computer and internet reinvention of life in the 90s and early 2Ks and have a full and complete perspective on how radically it can benefit if you can find uses for it.

So low & behold, I get a testimonial posted just yesterday, I'll quote it only in part so as not to embarrass myself.

"Grandma’s Life Revolutionized...Unleashes Her Inner Techie! ...nothing short of revolutionary for this old lady! Married for 34 years and a proud grandma of three, I’m not exactly a techie. But...have broadened my horizons in ways I never imagined. In just two weeks, I’ve used AI to create a promising business plan for our church, developed educational materials for my granddaughters whom we’re homeschooling, successfully organized a fundraiser, acquired new video skills, and even launched a YouTube channel on the fly."

I've seen ALL the stuff she used it for and it's remarkable. The video she made 100% with AI is amazing for a 1st effort. The gofundme pitch she had AI write raised 150% of what was asked (asked $3k got over $5k) in under a day. The church business plan to move from 5 years in a strip mall to a new property and either refurbish or rebuild is enormous and detailed down to the simple and quick task level, and she didn't just say "write business plan x." She guided the AI through the whole process. That's what you quickly learn. How it's a tool, and just like any tool or instrument, you have to learn how to use/play it.

Myself, I don't worry or care about its wokeness. I can run circles around that anyway if I want to waste the time. It's a logic machine at root and 0=0 and 1=1, and it cannot be any other way (Law of Identity...a thing is what it is...a tautology). You already got the clue of how to do that that by asking about the Murder by Government statistics. Another member down in Australia pinned it down by direct questions concerning all the government programs for aboriginals, wondering where are the programs for the descended victims of forced slave-labor in a penal colony. ;) I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.

In terms of the rest of your Arrow, this:

"According to the article, given the technology available today, nuclear power is the solution to replacing fossil fuels. But the greenies will fight it tooth and nail."

Of course, there can be only one single reason why they oppose clean nuclear.

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The chat GPT thing is very upsetting. You can experiment and see how it is politically and ideologically set up. You can ask it things like "I'm black and I don't want to date a white girl, is this racist?" And be told it is not but it's an ethical dilemma whereas if you ask "I'm white and don't wish to date a black girl is this racist?" You are told that you are. Just giving you examples that are clear cut. It certainly hates the carnivore diet!

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I wonder what kind of diet Charlie Munger eats. Or maybe he takes really good supplements...

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Thanks Mike,

What do you consider the most important liver enzyme lab results are for assessment of NAFLD ?

Is there greater accuracy to be had by determining ratios of liver enzymes, like the improved utility of Tg:HDL in a lipid panel ?

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In terms of your time with GPT, did you ever ask it directly how it knew you were Dr Eades, or why it started to address you that way? Subscriber here btw. love it so far!

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Probably the most informative piece I've ever read, on critical subjects. The NAFLD and carbon realities outlined are to live by.

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My favorite Morten Lauridsen arrangement is O Magnum Mysterium, my favorite Christmas hymn. https://youtu.be/7KvrbYZB2vY

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Hi Mike - given the amazing music you linked to, it was rather difficult to keep my eyes open for typos but a once-again reading this morning and I still didn't see any typos. Mozart's requiem is one of my all-time favorites too - sang it in concert many times and heard it once in St. Martin's in the Field in London - with real, lighted candles in the windows - something that would never happen in the states!

And, as usual, the rest of The Arrow was equally amazing, especially the link to the ice-core work from the Neils Bohr Institute. Coming from Ivor Cummings and then you lends it extra credibility and I can't wait to send it to all the naysayers . . . who rank right up there with "safe and effective" - no?

But the music - sublime. Absolutely sublime. Thanks!

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How about that this AI has a database of IP addresses and recognize your IP address?

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It recognized Mike because he's a subscriber to my blog and I have it set to "user aware" and to be nice and cordial to subscribers (customers). So it's basically referencing his name that in the user database.

There are 3 possibilities as to the Dr. part (it didn't say MD or PhD, so an ambiguity):

1. He asked it to write a script, which is fictional, and since a character wasn't specified, it picked him and since an expert, make him a Dr. So, the coincidental, serendipitous explanation.

2. My setup is quite different from the $20/m subscription you can get from OpenAI for ChatGPT-4 access. Mine accesses the same GPT-4, but I have server-side AI that feeds GPT-4 info from my blog in the prompt (up to 7,000 words) that goes along with what the user asks, so GPT-4 gets a whopping load of info to work with. The blog is 5,200 posts, about 5 million words, all indexed in what's called a vector database. Point is, there's plenty of info on Dr. Micheal Eades in many posts going back to like 2009-ish. So it could have known that way.

3. It also has its own massive library of training data, including at least the summaries of all books published, news articles, etc. but also all websites archived on "The Wayback Machine." For instance, it knows a whole lot about me and my blog, even without the connection I have set up. That will be the same for Mike.

So there's no real mystery, we just don't know which. If Mike still has the cookie from his previous sessions, then it's saved on his own computer, and he could go back in and ask, referencing the 2 previous convos, how it knew he was a Dr.

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Re: the wonderful operatic pieces, I recently offered my suggestion for a second official Canadian anthem, given that Canada has deep French traditions. Since my days singing in church choirs, I still love that moment when the voices rise as one. As they do for Un Canadien Errant https://humanism.substack.com/p/canadian-anthem-alternate-version

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Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for the link.

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