Dr. Eades, you're right about Dr. Fung's Cancer Code. But it gets criticized because people expect it to solve cancer for them and they get mad he is talking about route cause and history. Many people are of the "just tell me what to do!" mindset and don't care to understand how they got to where they are. That's the real issue. Yesterday, I was looking at my son's path slides as he studies for the STEP1 exam next month, and he showed me the slides for follicular thyroid cancer, which I had 7 years ago. I have been trying to understand why i developed thyroid cancer and never got an answer, but those slides made sense to me and suddenly I had an epiphany about cause. I went back into pubmed, and sure enough, I found a study that linked insufficient iodine intake with follicular thyroid cancer. And that made sense to me, a person who avoided salt my entire life because the Anti Salt Experts told us salt would kill us. Of course I didn't supplement with iodine either. I am pretty much done with The Experts. My endocrinologist, whom I love and respect, says nobody is iodine deficient in this country, but I don't know about that. The real issue with doctors is that they are so expert at niche areas they fail to understand that their body part is connected to the rest of the body and maybe their fix for one thing is destroying something else. Your discussion of ldl is spot on.

I love The Arrow. Confirmation bias? Maybe. I am just glad that I am not the only one thinking this way. Spend enough time watching msm and you wonder if you are the one standing on your head telling everyone they are upside down, or vice versa.

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I wish I had rejected the experts earlier myself. 30 years of low fat eating did me no good at all. It seems that most doctors are very sure about what *doesn't* cause illness and disease, but don't have anything to offer about what *does* cause it.

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Believe me, there is plenty of iodine deficiency going around. Which is why I pop an Iodoral from time to time.

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I know, right? Us too.

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Excellent! Thanks for continuing the dive into cancer! Love the Video of the Week!

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As usual, a mix of fascinating information, facts, and links. And all topped off by the William Tell Overture played on a harmonica! Indeed enjoyable, as was the entire blog.

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Loved the column from beginning to end - but especially the interview with Oakeshott. Those communications from the UK government officials reminded me of the series Yes, Minister - which I think we started watching a few months ago when (I believe it was) you mentioned it in your column with a link to the show. We've continued watching and I think western governments - especially ours - are using it as a template of "how to function," - very seriously. Also thanks much for the cancer section - the more often I read it, the more it becomes understandable. And yes, I loved the harmonica player! Thanks so much for all you do and write about. I hope the rains have ceased (looks so according to the weather map which we check frequently, having friends in Montecito) and you're both in good cheer yourselves.

Only one little one:

Others scientists go to the poster presentations

Other scientists . . .


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As always, thanks for the copy editing. Since so few errors stippled through, my in-house copy editor must have been more on her toes this week.

The rains have indeed ceased. A beautiful, cloudless day today (Saturday), but more rain predicted on Monday lasting through Thursday.

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I thought some here might find this resonates (sorry that it won't bring much joy though), it certainly sums up how I feel about the world now.


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Great article. Thanks for posting. I was especially struck by these lines:

"And then there are the neighbours, friends, family members and strangers who displayed a total lack of critical thinking; who put me, and my like, at risk with their compliance. They still do. What jeopardies do they hold for us in the future with their weak, blind and unnecessary obedience?

"They were complicit in the theft of more than two years of my life."

These words brought to mind a conversation I had with a friend a few days ago. He said he purposely ridiculed folks still wearing masks. I told him I didn't and had adopted a live and let live attitude about it. If they are so stupid they want to keep wearing masks when all the data show they're worthless, why should I care?

He replied that he figured most people who wore masks during all the mandates were just going with the flow. They had to, so they did. When the mandates went away, their masks went away. And he said a lot of people probably wore them thinking they provided some protection and were later embarrassed at having done so. But those who wear them now are the zealots. They are the ones who would have gladly had those of us who didn't wear them thrown in jail or concentration camps. They are the ones who wanted schools and businesses closed even longer. If they had their way, they would still be closed. They were the ones who were 100 percent behind vaccine mandates. They were the ones who would deny you your civil rights in a heartbeat. They are the enemy. And by continuing to wear masks, they identify themselves as such. So, I give them no quarter.

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This is a great substack/follow on Twitter, kevin has done amazing work.

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