Thanks for the references.

I suggest two more. One an essay by Hayek that explains why the 'elites' need the big, deep state and the other a book about the philosophy of engineering, A Discussion of the Method by Billy Koen- all is heuristic

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You asked for typo corrections. Here's one.

"The one thing that makes me thing [should be think] the book is worthwhile is..."

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Still looking to become a paid subscriber....

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I read The Arrow on Substack now so I cancelled my e-mail subscription.

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"Come To Think of It, How Do You Reconcile Elitism With Democracy?"

Well, you could try and start with someone like J. D. Vance of Ohio, among many others!


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Martin Gurri is a well known libertarian, as I've come to learn that you are also a libertarian.

I remember reading some articles on the subject of libertarianism when I was trying to learn more about it. What's your take on a few of these, if I may ask? I'm always interested in learning another person's opinion and views on a subject.





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I'm just happy to know you aren't in Montecito getting buried in mud! Your "short" newsletter has more good info in it than many other writers' long form! I do think Substack is an excellent repository of knowledge.

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The "elites"? Who exactly might those "elites" be? Here's one's differing opinion on who they might be. As they say... there's two sides to every story:


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You're out of the loop. This is not a left/right thing. Your heroes on the left and your villains on the right are in the same club. And as George Carlin says, "You ain't in it!"

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Actually, George said... “They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

Agreed! Care for some more of George?


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Sure, I've seen the whole bit. I like a lot of Carlin, but, like all of us, he's an idiot in some regards.

So what's your philosophy? In your own words, elevator pitch version, what do you see right and wrong with libertarianism? I have no clue who you are or your position on anything, so we can't really converse. I would much rather talk to you than read other's quotes. What are YOUR thoughts?

I have my own views and don't align with any political party, so maybe you can sway me or educate me.

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First of all, you haven't told me of your own position or views, and why you believe what you do. You go first.

And second, I'm not as articulate or even as informative as many of those journalists who do their research and get paid to do what they do. Hence, I'll keep depending on those journalists and researchers in the future, and it's the reason why I posted links to their stories. And yes, I know, many of them could be feeding my own confirmation biases, as well as your own.

To make a point... you responded to my post, but your response really didn't educate many, if any, to what exactly George Carlin was alluding to when he said, "It's a big club and you ain't it". It would be easy to take it out of context. The "big" club he was alluding to isn't actually a big club literally speaking. So, a link to his speech would've better been served to many of us, so that we may know in what context it was said. I know I would've appreciated the link to his actual speech.

You intimated in your response that George's speech applied to both, the Republicans and Democrats in government, since my post tried to point out that it's not just the Democrats who are considered the elites as many of the far-right Republicans are always alluding to. If you had supplied a link to the entire speech that George gave we would see that George was also angry at not just the politicians, but at us, the masses, for putting those a-holes in office to begin with, as opposed to voting for those who would best represent and serve our own best interests -- and not voting for those who would only represent the Big Corporations and the multi-millionaires and billionaires ("Owners of America") who helped get them elected, and help keep them in office. And I totally agree with him.

I've come to know Dr. Mike since '96 when I read his book, Protein Power, and all his other books that followed. I'm deeply grateful to him, and some others such as Dr. Atkins, for setting me on the Low-Carb path. I also followed Dr. Mike on his blog, and then later when he moved to Twitter. And now I read his Arrow newsletter. I must confess that I don't read his material because of his politics. His political views and leanings are fairly different from my own. I still read Dr. Mike because my main interest is in health and nutrition, and especially the low-carb way of living. But skimming over his Arrow newsletter trying to find any more references to the low-carb diet is becoming more and more like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Perhaps this is the reason why some of his subscribers to the Arrow have unsubscribed, as Dr. Mike has alluded to in past Arrow newsletters.

My point is... I'm not really here to discuss politics. Sorry if I ruffled some feathers.

As far as Covid and the vaccines go, if anyone's curious, I've personally had 3 shots of the Moderna vaccine. My last one was last October. I did catch Covid in November and was sick for about a day and a half. My wife also has gotten 3 shots of Moderna the same time I did, and she also caught Covid. She either gave it to me, or vice versa. She was ill for 3 days. The only medication we took for it was Tylenol and Advil for the fever. We're both fine and healthy today. We've experienced no side effects from the shots whatsoever, other than soreness at the injection site, and a little lethargy the next day.

Suum cuique!

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Read MD’s 2nd novel in a day! I NEED the 3rd book to come out soon!!!! Lol.

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Thank you ever so much, and safe travels :)

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Here are a couple more corrections - I'm sure made in the rush to get the slides done. Still, a really impressive column in spite of caveats about brevity.

" . . . when you are walking out a PLAN" which I assume should be "when you are working out a PLAN"


"we know what we think we now . . ." You probably mean "we know what we think we know . . ."

And I now have two more books (one on audible - so many books, so little time) to read this winter.

Thanks for all you good work,


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Just got MD’s new novel reading it here at lowcarb metabolic conference on down times. Looking forward to your lecture. You should highlight the second novel!!

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